Ensure that you're buying from a reputable seller that sells you GIA certified diamonds and includes the original certification with the diamond. Buy with a reputable online jeweler, like HX Jewelry, that is open and transparent and makes you feel comfortable about the purchase without pushing you to overpay. Want to go a step further? A fine jewelry manufacture with direct-to-consumer business can works with you as a partner to understand your needs is the best one to buy from.
Before you rush to select the diamond or to choose the style of the ring, it won't harm to take a while and think how to use your money wisely first. Among the many engagement ring shopping tips, you may have heard the advice that you should spend two or three months of your salary on an engagement ring. You might have also read engagement ring price guides that provide very high estimates for how much a “good” engagement ring should cost.
We believe you shouldn’t follow certain "rules", as most rules are gimmicks created by diamond marketers and retailers. Instead, you should determine your budget by looking at your financial situation along with any specific desires of your fiance-to-bé.
Getting married and starting your life together can be a costly process. As a reputable direct-to-consumer online jeweler, HX Jewelry offers various engagement rings you can afford, and you’ll reduce your financial stress and anxiety. The focus will instead be on your partner and the excitement of marrying the love of your life.
The third step is understanding the four C's. Since they’re considered the global standard for gauging a diamond’s quality and value. it's important to know what you’re paying for and how factors like cut, carat, color and clarity affect the look of your stone, and use them as guidelines while picking between favorites.
The next step in creating a ring your partner will love is taking into account her individual style. The frame around your center stone can determine the style of your ring, and there are lots of options you can find. You can determine the ring style by looking at her other jewelry. Are the pieces mostly made of white gold or yellow gold? Does she prefer vintage pieces or modern designs? Talking with your fiancé-to-be's family and friends is often helpful, too. Lean on the people closest to your fiancé-to-be: a best friend, sister, cousin, whoever. Maybe your significant other has already shared their desires or preferences. You can even ask a friend to look through ring styles with you.
Over 86% of brides-to-be rate sentimental value to be the most important feature of their engagement ring so don’t just settle for the first one you think your fiancé would like. You also may want to consider designing your own engagement ring.
With help from HX Jewelry's expert jewelry designers and artisans, you don’t need to spend a fortune to have your own personalized jewelry or custom jewelry. You can work with the designer to meet your budget as there are several cost-cutting options available with custom-made jewelry that aren’t available with mass-produced jewelry. Creating your own engagement ring can also reduce the hassle most people experience while shopping for jewelry – why drive all over town to multiple jewelry stores trying to find the perfect ring when you can create it online?
There are so many things to worry about when you are first getting engaged and married; at HX Jewelry we don’t think your engagement ring should be one of those things. When you buy your engagement ring with us we will cover anything and everything, from the top of the ring to the bottom for LIFE. This includes, but is not limited to, worldwide free shipping, stone replacement, sizing, and /or refurbishing.
Give yourself at least three weeks before you plan to propose, so you have enough time to get the ring shipped to you. Once you're done shopping, you can sit back and plan the perfect proposal to sweep her off her feet. Good luck!